Youth livestock programs include judging competitions, which build confidence and speaking skills in addition to leadership development. We are investing in the future of the cattle industry by supporting these opportunities.

Youth Beef Industry Tour
Youth from across the state visit operations representing all aspects of the beef industry in NC.
Youth Beef Quality Assurance
Training our youth to use proper BQA techniques to help us assure our customers of the safety of the beef we sell.
Skillathon, Livestock Schools, 4-H, FFA, & Livestock Judging
Support contests throughout the state & regionally to assist youth in skills necessary to cattle production and assist the NCSU 4H Skillathon team as they compete nationally.
Leadership Development
Supports two interns to assist with duties of the NCCA & Beef Council. Several former interns attend the College of Veterinary Medicine as food animal scholars & more effectively help the cattlemen they will serve.
NC Jr Beef Roundup
Sponsor & coordinate the show, educational programs & contests.
Support includes
- NC 4-H livestock judging program
- NC FFA livestock judging rogram
- NC 4H skillathon program
- NC 4H quizbowl program
- NC Junior Beef Roundup
- NCSU Livestock Science Camp
- Youth leadership programs
- Youth Bar-B-Que boot camps
- NCSU farm animal days
- NC leadership and cattle handling for future farmers
- Forage Management workshops for youth
- Beef Quality Assurance and cattle handling contest for FFA youth
- Western North Carolina dairy steer project