2025-2026 Scholarship Application

    The N.C. Cattlemen’s Foundation is now receiving applications for undergraduate scholarships and graduate student travel funding for the 2025-2026 academic year. This is the 10th year the foundation will award scholarships to students who are North Carolina residents. However, they are still eligible if they are attending college in another state.

     Completed applications must be submitted ONLINE. However, a printable version is available to assist in gathering information for applications. All applications are due by 11:59 p.m. EST on January 10, 2025. 

     If applicants are unable to submit completed applications online or have any issues with the application process, contact Casey Hinnant at [email protected] or 919-552-9111 for further instructions.

    Applications will be reviewed and recommended for NCCF board approval at its meeting in mid-February. Awards will be announced after that meeting. Questions regarding the application process can be addressed to Dr. Roger Crickenberger at 919-464-5636 or at [email protected].

Application Requirements

undergraduate students

Click on the “Apply Online” button below to apply for the NCCF scholarship. You will need to submit the following additional information in order to complete the application:

High school students OR individuals who have not previously attended college/university:  Name of high school you attend(ed), graduation date, complete grade transcripts with weighted and unweighted GPA, college/university you will be attending, and field of study


Current college students OR previous college/university attendees: College/university you are attending, anticipated graduation date, complete grade transcripts, and field of study

References: All applicants must submit a list of three (3) references (previous instructors, leaders of academic or community organizations, etc.). Provide names, contact information, and a short statement describing their connection or relationship to you.

Short photo essay: Provide no more than two pages of captioned photos that depict your experiences, activities, and achievements related to your experiences in agriculture and/or the cattle industry.

Apply OnlineApplication guide

Graduate Student Travel AWARDS

Click on the "Apply Online" button below to apply for the NCCF Graduate Travel Award. You will need the following additional information in order to complete the application:

  1. Recommendation letter from major adviser
  2. Abstract to be presented at meeting (if available)
  3. Transcripts
  4. Purpose of travel (part of application)
  5. Cost of travel (use budget form on application)
  6. NOTE: Actual travel costs will be paid up to the amount of the award following university travel policies

Apply OnlineApplication Guide

General Information

The N. C. Cattlemen’s Foundation Scholarship seeks to recognize and provide financial assistance to students with an interest in agriculture.  A background, interest, or career plans with the cattle industry will receive additional consideration in review of applications.

The N. C. Cattlemen's Foundation was established in 1982 with a significant donation from NCSU graduate, E. Carroll Joyner.  Scholarships are funded by earnings on donations to the NCCF, which continues to be supported by contributions from cattle producers in the state.

Scholarships of up to $3,000 are awarded annually. Scholarships are available for incoming freshman, current community college or Agricultural Institute students, current undergraduate students, and travel awards for graduate/Ph.D. students. 

Scholarships will be awarded to students who are residents of North Carolina, although college enrollment may be in another state. However, students attending college outside of North Carolina who become residents of another state will no longer be eligible for a scholarship. 

Scholarships are NOT automatically renewed.  Applications are reviewed and scholarships are awarded annually.  Past recipients are eligible to reapply for a scholarship provided residency does not change.

Students may be awarded scholarships for up to four (4) academic years.  No student will be considered for a scholarship once he/she has received an award four (4) times.

Graduate student travel awards will be limited to one (1) time per Masters and one (1) time per Ph.D. program.

Awardees must be attending (or intend to attend) an accredited community college or other associate degree program, 4-year institution or recognized graduate program. 

The award will be paid directly to the student’s institution for credit to the student’s account. 

The NCCF Scholarship Committee will review all applications and select recipients.


  1. Resident of North Carolina
  2. Full time student in undergraduate or graduate program (Different applications are used for undergraduate scholarships and graduate travel awards).
  3. Interest and/or career plans in agriculture, with additional recognition for interest and/or career plans related to the cattle industry. NCCF will give priority for awards to students whose field of study is related to some area of agriculture, particularly the cattle industry.
  4. Graduate student awards will be available only for travel support for professional meetings, internships and similar activities.
  5. Completed applications must be submitted by 11:59 PM EST on January 10 of each year. Selection of awardees will allow scholarship availability the beginning of the fall semester.


Questions about scholarships? Contact Roger Crickenberger at 919-464-5636 or [email protected]